Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fall is in the air!

It's fall at the Bayes home! It's my favorite time to decorate. I thought I'd share with you what I've done.
Hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Horrible Housekeeping

I admit it. I am the worst house keeper ever. I can usually keep my house clean for about 12 hours and then its a pig sty. Why? I'm lazy I guess. Since I have deleted my Facebook you would not believe how clean my house has been. (besides our bedroom) I love it too! Every time I make something...even if it's a pb&j I quickly wash the dishes and clean the counters! It feels so good! 
Yesterday I cleaned up and swept my living room so Tar-bear could crawl around on it! :) 
I guess you can say that deleting my Facebook so far has been really good for me. Now just to do more laundry....Hmmmm


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I was finally able to delete my Facebook tonight. I tried to download all of my info off of Facebook the other night but
It took until late last night to do that. This weekend has been a very hard one.
Tod went archery hunting so Terrance and I went camping with my extended family. It was really nice because Don Palmer and his wife had not been camping for 2 or more years because of his health. Well it was wonderful to be there with them but on Monday morning (Labor day) Don took his last breath. It was really really hard that day. I know we will see him in a better place and that he will never have to go to the hospital again. He was exactly where he wanted to be when he passed.
Please pray  for his family.

On a happy note I could not wait to see Tod and tell him how much I love him. ♡ 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Being blessed.

Being Blessed. I named my blog Being Blessed because God is always blessing my family and me. Today I am deleting my Facebook because I feel it has become an idol in my life. I want God to be my number 1. Not Facebook. I have tried deleting it before but I just give my self excuses. Like, well people want to see updates of Terrance on there. Or, well, I will just make it harder for me to get on there. Well this time, I am going to make it harder. I'm going to get rid of it. I also wanted to do this for Terrance so that maybe someday he can see what I did for him. (not that its huge or anything.)

I made this blog so people could look at the updates of Terrance and my family on here. And so that I can talk about God and what he is doing in my life.
I hope you enjoy!
